Jual Automatic level SpectraAL 28M

Automatic Level Spectra AL-28

Waterpass Spectra dengan 28x pembesaran

Choice of magnification:  28x

Choice of magnetic or air-dampened automatic compensators

Double-sided, continuous horizontal tangent drives

Stadia lines for simple distance measurement

Convenient horizontal angle measurement

Built in bubble mirror and optical sighting alignment

Metal housing increases durability

Water resistant construction

Automatic Level Spectra AL-28 are designed for a variety of elevation control and alignment tasks including general building construction, cut and fill measurements, area leveling, and landscaping.

Automatic Level Spectra AL-28 are easy to set up and attaches quickly to flat or domed head tripods. An adjustable built-in bubble mirror can be tilted for easy viewing of the circular bubble in any position. A built-in optical peep sight and double-sided endless tangent drives allow for easy targeting and operation with either hand.

Reliable automatic compensators ensure stability and accuracy in the line of sight. Telescope optics are bright and clear providing sharp images for ease of viewing. A short focusing distance provides for better performance in tight spots or on steep slopes. Stadia lines on the reticle make distance calculations easy. Angle measurements are quick and convenient with the horizontal scale located directly below the eyepiece.

Rugged metal housings provide increased durability. Weather resistant housing design and rubber and plastic controls ensure the instruments can continue working even in adverse environmental conditions. All models include a hard-shell carrying case, plumb bob, rain hood, allen wrench, adjusting pin, and manual.

Spesifikasi - Automatic Level Spectra AL-28

Magnification    28x                              

Color    Yellow                              

Objective Diameter    30 mm                              

Field of View Angle    1° 20'                              

Shortest Focusing Distance    0.6 m                              

Stadia Constant    100                              

Additive Constant    0                              

Compensator Dampening    Air                              

Compensator Range    ±15'                              

Compensator Setting Accuracy    <0.5"                         

Double Run Leveling per 1 km    2 mm                              

Circular Vial Accuracy    8/2 mm                              

orizontal Circle    1°                              

Weight    3.5 lb (1.6 kg)                              

Base Plate    5/8 x 11

Include :

1 x Unit AL-28

1 x Alumunium Tripod

1 x Rambu ukur 3M

Jual Automatic Level Spectra AL-28 dan lengkapi peralatan pengukuran, penelitian atau pekerjaan survey anda dengan Alat ukur Waterpass Spectra, Harga kompetitif Tentunya Gratis antar untuk Area Jakarta dan dapat dikirim keseluruh Indonesia.

Autolevel atau dalam bahasa pertukangannya sering di sebut waterpass, Automatic level merupakan alat utama dalam melakukan leveling survey yang berfungsi untuk menentukan jarak horizontal maupun vertikal suatu titik (stasiun). Agar Autolevel dapat digunakan dengan baik, maka diperlukan juga Tripod, yang berfungsi untuk mendudukkan autolevel tersebut serta sebuah rod yang didirikan disuatu titik/stasiun yang berfungsi sebagai sasaran yang akan diteropong/dikaji jarak horizontal maupun jarak vertikalnya



Produk : Jual Automatic level SpectraAL 28M

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